I started a journey.
A Convergence From Our Past: How The Soul Of Cinder Caps Our Dark Souls Experience | Fextralife
Hey everyone, this is a Dark Souls 3 article I did for Fextralife a year and a half ago. Go check them out, they’re a great site and community if you’re into anything Souls or Soulslike. Dark Souls 3
A Cavalcade Of Updates / New YouTube channel!
Hey! Sorry about not updating for an entire year, but there’s a reason for that, so I’d like to get everyone caught up real quick. First, I have great news that it occurs to me I never posted on the
New author/reader initiative: Sneak Peek 2.0
Hey! This post is doing something a little different, in that I’m here today to promote an excellent new resource for authors and readers alike. If you’ve peered into this part of my site, you may have seen me namedrop
Gamespot Editorial Slam-Dunks The Industry
Last year, I tackled the problematic portrayal of women in video games. More recently, I actually edited the article to talk about the way Epic Games’ art director Chris Perna recently rammed his foot rather deep in his mouth here,
Credit Where It’s Due
So hey, Cracked’s commander-in-chief David Wong just ran an excellent piece that I thought was relevant enough to share with you all. Hot off the digital presses, This piece examines some of the ways in which games take advantage of
Sources Cited
For anyone confused, this is the cutoff of the “school project’ part of this blog. As such, these are the academic sources I’ve pulled from in the previous articles: 1: Anderson, Craig and Bushman, Brad. Effects of Violent Video Games
Mission statement
Video games are a relatively new form of narrative in the grand scheme of things, and for quite a while, they were seen by society at large as less like stories, and more like toys, or a ‘geek hobby’, instantly